APERAM MA 1 1,4006 Good hardenability. Grinders - Aeronautic
APERAM MA 2 1,4021 Cutting tools - Cutlery - Mechanical components - Building tools
APERAM MA 3 1,4028 Strip - Cladding - Cutlery - Cutting tools - Wear resistant components
APERAM MA 3M 1,4419 Strip - Cladding - Cutlery - Cutting tools - Wear resistant components
APERAM MA 4 1,4034 Cutlery - Surgical instruments
APERAM F 13 S 1,4000 Hot oxidation resistance to 650 C Maintenance parts - Distillation columns - Finned tubes
APERAM F 12 T 1,4512 Good oxidation resistance Automobile exhaust systems
APERAM F 12 TD 1,4512 Good oxidation resistance Automobile exhaust systems
APERAM F 12 N 1,4003 Grade for welded constructions Containers - Hoppers - Industrial equipment - Railway carriages
APERAM F 17 1,4016 In bright annealed for good surface appearance - F18 coin blanks Household items - Decoration -Household appliances - Dishes
APERAM F 17 DDQ 1,4016 Improved drawability compared to F17 Household items - Decoration -Household appliances - Dishes
APERAM F 17 T 1,4510 Ti increases weldability and cold formability Household appliances - Sinks - Tubes - Burners
APERAM F 18 T 1,4510 Ti increases weldability and cold formability Household appliances - Sinks - Tubes - Burners
APERAM F 17 M 1,4113 Mo increases corrosion resistance Automobile trims
APERAM F 17 N 1,4017 High mechanical characteristics after quenching and tremper  rolling Conveyor chains
APERAM F 17 TNb 1,4509 Improved mechanical properties at high temperatures - Mechanical strength Automobile exhaust systems - Converters - Burners
APERAM F 17 MNb 1,4526 No roping and good surface finish after drawing Automobile exhaust systems - Cooking ustensils - Household appliances - Trims
APERAM F 17 MT 1,4513 Improved corrosion resistance and formability Automobile exhaust systems
APERAM F 18 MT 1,4521 Same pitting corrosion resistance as for 18.11 ML ( 316L) Hot water tanks - Boilers - Flue pipes - Exchangers
APERAM 17-7 C 1,4310 Temper - rolling grade Springs - Mechanical properties
APERAM 18-7 L 1,4318 Improved mechanical properties after temper rolling Railway cars
APERAM 18-9 E 1,4301 Low carbon austenitic grade Dishes - Cooking ustensils - Decoration -Cattering equipment
APERAM 18-9 D 1,4301 Deep drawing grade Boilermaking - Tubes - Tanks - Dishes - Cooking ustensils
APERAM 18-9 DDQ 1,4301 High performance deep drawing quality Sinks - Dishwashers - Champagne buckets - Pressure cookers
APERAM 18-9 L 1,4307 Extra low carbon grade - Good weldability Boilermaking - Heat exchangers - Expanded metal - Nuclear
APERAM 18-9 LA 1,4307 Extra low carbon grade - Good weldability Boilermaking - Heat exchangers - Expanded metal - Nuclear
APERAM 18-10 L 1,4306 Extra low carbon grade with C < 0.2 for nuclear applications Boilermaking - Nuclear
APERAM 18-10 T 1,4541 Grade stabilized with Ti - Corrosion resistance on welded zones - Creep resistance Pipes - Heating resistors - Aeronautic
APERAM 18-12 D 1,4303 Deep drawing - non-magnetic Electronic parts - Aerosol cans
APERAM 18-11 ML 1,4401
Austenic grade with Mo Tubes - Boiler making - Hot water tanks - Road tankers
APERAM 18-12 ML 1,4401
Extra low carbon grade with Mo Tubes - Boil making - Hot water tanks - Road tankers
APERAM 18-13 MS 1,4435 Extra low carbon grade with high Mo Chemical product and food tanks - Marine applications
APERAM 18-12 MS 1,4432 Extra low carbon grade with high Mo Chemical product and food tanks - Marine applications
APERAM 17-11 MT 1,4571 Grade stabilized with Ti for welding Chemicals and oil industry
APERAM 18-14 MS 1,4438 Super austentinics - Excellent corrosion resistance Heat exchangers - Chem,cals
APERAM R 20-12 1,4828 Hot oxidation resistant to 950 C Thermal equipment
APERAM R 24-13 S 1,4833 Hot oxidation resistant to 1050 C Resistor cladding
APERAM R 25-20 1,4845 Hot oxidation resistant to 1100 C Furnace equipment
APERAM R 25-20 S 1,4841 Hot oxidation resistant to 1100 C Furnace equipment